Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries
About Us
email: info[at]
Copyright © 2004 Nikki Rose. All rights reserved.
Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries (CCS) was founded in 1997 by Nikki Rose, a Greek-
American professional chef, graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, writer, and
culinary seminar director. Nikki is also a responsible travel adviser for projects in Brazil,
Cambodia, Europe and USA.
CCS collaborates with over 40 small businesses and individuals working to protect Crete’s
cultural and natural heritage. We are a "school without walls" working in many regions of
this magnificent island. Our seminars are conducted in rural communities, organic farms
and historic sites. Attendees have an opportunity to discover sustainable practices that
can enrich their lives while supporting programs that help preserve Crete's heritage.
CCS has received awards for Best Practices in Responsible Travel from National
Geographic, the World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development, the
World Travel and Tourism Council, and is featured in major media outlets, including
National Geographic, National Public Radio, Heritage Radio Network, The New York
Times, Lonely Planet and TV New Zealand.
See our Articles and Links Sections for more information about our work and Responsible Travel